
America Reads

Job Title

Avg. Hours/Week

Specific Hours?
2:30-6 p.m.
Job Description
- Assists students elementary students who are in need of academic tutoring
- Must possess good oral and written communication skills.
- No experience required
- Car on campus is required for this job.
Learning Outcomes
- Effectively and efficiently convey and receive information, both formally and informally, using verbal, non-verbal and writing skills amongst various stakeholders.
- Enhance their time management, problem solving and, teamwork skills
- Understand and apply professional and ethical responsibility
- Develop cognitive and interpersonal skills that are measurable and transferable
- Develop professional contacts
- Demonstrate professional communication skills through writing or editing
- Develop an understanding of professional cultures and expectations
Additional Notes from Department
This opportunity is located off campus and is at an after school program where you will be tutoring elementary school kids.