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Athletics Event and Facility Operations

Job Title

Event and Facility Operations Student Worker

Avg. Hours/Week


Specific Hours?

Nights, weekends, flexible schedule depending on games

Job Classification

  • Available to all students

Job Description

  • Work in a variety of recreation/athletic settings both indoor and outdoor facilities.
  • Assisting the office of Athletic Event and Facility Operations with all game day operations activities: 
  • Pre-game Responsibilities:  Set up field of play / Set up stadium/concourse /  Set up press box or other areas for necessary personnel, such as marketing, media relations, etc. / Post necessary informational sheets: timing sheets, field diagrams, locker room assignments, teams’ logos, scripts, etc. /   Set up parking lot to accommodate fans, referees, and visiting teams’ buses /  Meeting and hosting officials / Meeting and hosting visiting teams /  Meeting and organizing necessary in-game support staff; ball retrievers, public announcer, scoreboard operator, parking crew, official scorers, etc. 
  • In-game Responsibilities: Troubleshooting / Making sure the field of play stays in good condition  / Escorting visiting team, home team, and officials         Other sport specific tasks as assigned
  • Post-game Responsibilities: Breaking down field, concourse, and locker rooms / Preparing venue for practice the next day

Learning Outcomes

  • Enhance their time management, problem solving and, teamwork skills
  • Develop professional contacts
