
Wake Downtown

Job Title

Student: Wake Downtown Tour Guide

Avg. Hours/Week


Specific Hours?

**See below

Job Classification

  • Federal Work Study

Job Description

  • Must possess good oral and written communication skills.
  • Requires creativity and ability to work independently.
  • Routine duties will vary by specific projects.
  • Assists departments and organizations in providing excellent customer service., Assists with daily activities, exhibitions and special events.
  • Provide customer service in person and over the phone.
  • Year round employment available for local students.
  • Prospective student & family tours
  • ***3 days per week during the academic year: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 12:30 – 3:30 pm potential for occasional weekend tour (1-2 times a semester)

Learning Outcomes

  • Effectively and efficiently convey and receive information, both formally and informally, using verbal, non-verbal and writing skills amongst various stakeholders.
  • Understand and apply professional and ethical responsibility
  • Demonstrate professional communication skills through writing or editing.
  • Constructively receive and apply professional feedback
  • Develop an understanding of professional cultures and expectations

Additional Information from Department

Full job Description
